Molotow Club Mural
In the wake of Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg, Germany I had the pleasure to paint a mural in one of the most recognisable clubs in Germany. The Molotow has been on Germanys most famous party street, the Reeperbahn, for nearly 30 years and has hosted pretty much every band from the indie/punk genre that you can imagine.

The mural obviously had to to depict something related to music, counterculture and tradition.
Therefor I choose a female punk singer character and I named her Sheena in honor of the famous Ramones song.

Here she is:
Aaand the process video:
The painting process was not that easy because the wall is very rough and it is hard to get a clean edges with just one brushstroke. I needed to "push" the color into the little holes in the wall. None the less I am pretty happy with the final result.
Stage Frame
Additionally to the character mural I painted a frame for the stage next to the wall. I painted one line for each side of the stage but I do not have a good picture of the left side (so I faked it for you ;-) ):

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